May 25, 2018

Getting older? Get ready to work harder! a.k.a. Life is an endurance test. Train for it!

As we get older, we have to work harder to stay in good shape.

We all notice changes in our body as we age. There is much that we can’t change when it comes ageing. But, there is much we can do. With correct exercise, diet and self-care, we can drink daily from the “Fountain of Youthfulness”!

“Exercise is a journey, not a destination. It must be continued for the rest of your life. We do not stop exercising because we grow old – we grow old because we stop exercising”. ~Dr Kenneth Cooper~

Exercise is vitally important for our well-being.

Even if you haven’t been taking care of yourself throughout your life, you can still reach a high level of health, or at least a vastly improved level of health, no matter when you start…no excuses!

One of the dangerous mindsets of getting older is we may feel we have earned the right to take it easy. Which is true to a point, but for instance, if you have retired from a job, it would serve you well to make “fitness” your new job. Get obsessed with it! It is a good thing!

It is important to check with your healthcare provider before embarking on a fitness regime. Heart conditions and other health conditions need to be considered to keep you safe in your choice of exercise. The sooner you get started, the better. Don’t wait. Do in now!

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness”.
~Edward Stanley~ 1873

You could start by taking a walk…every day! Evolve gradually to the level of fitness and wellness you want. So many choices: walking, running, swimming, yoga, Pilates, going to the gym, squash…etc. Change it up to keep it interesting. Aim to do something six days a week. Yes, six days a week!

When you wander off course, steer yourself back. Know that this will happen. Keep trying to stay on course. Similarly, in meditation, we learn that when our mind wanders, we gently bring it back. We learn that this is normal and we may have to do it many times in a single sitting.

Giving importance to your well-being is vital. No one else can do it for you. It is time to say “I am going to take time for myself now! Not later!”. “No one else is responsible for my health.”

It is nice to have a friend or partner to share your enthusiasm to exercise with but if you don’t, don’t let that stop you! Take care of yourself and go it alone. Lead the way. Inspire others by your actions. Notice how great you feel. Notice how your life changes.

Let me be your cheerleader. Let’s do this together!


Since 2002, Dorothy Price, founder of Santosha Yoga Retreats, has been dedicated to providing beautiful havens for recharging the spirit. As an experienced yoga teacher with over 8000 teaching hours, Dorothy consistently provides thorough, knowledgeable and compassionate teaching as well as inspiration for living well.

She invites you to join in one of her rejuvenating retreats and deepen your practice whether a beginner or an experienced yogi.