Category: Yoga

April 25, 2022

Free Online Short Yoga Class: Thigh Strengthening. Click to watch.

This is one of my “Shortie” Classes from my online school. (16 mins) In this class we focus on:  strengthening the thighs with lot’s of Goddess variations great leg stretching with standing forward fold variations  plus a really fun balance pose! This class requires us to engage our core muscles and leg muscles, so our …

March 1, 2022

Ahhh…..Altruism….Sounds so Utopian!

Altruism is the behaviour characterized by acts of selfless concern for the well-being of others with no apparent benefit for the individual who performs them.  It is defined as caring about other people and acting in someone else’s interest. It is an act of selflessness rather than selfishness. A genuinely altruistic person identifies the one …

January 25, 2022

Self Acceptance is the Key to Contentment

Most of us carry on through life without really understanding who we are. We are in a collective flow that keeps us acting and reacting in a knee-jerk manner. Often this flow keeps us so busy we don’t have time to reflect on our lives or look deeply into our souls to understand ourselves and …

January 16, 2020

What is Holding You Back? …Self-Sabotage?

Whether you want to start a new business, start a new project, look for new employment or start an exercise routine. What is it that stops you from moving ahead? Often, it is self-sabotaging traits, or habits, that repeat themselves over and over throughout our lives. Self-sabotage is when it appears that you want something …

November 16, 2019


Whether it be a seemingly small and insignificant issue or a very big issue, speaking up can be difficult for some. Why don’t we speak up? Is it because we are afraid of offending others; afraid of looking foolish; afraid of getting hurt or think it is not our place? Do we believe it is …

June 28, 2013

Yoga and Satya (Truthfulness)

‘Yamas’ are ethical values that involve self-restraint, self-control and discipline. They are the foundation of yoga practice. In my last blog I talked about Ahimsa (non-harming) the first yama.

The second yama is Satya or truthfulness; lack of falsehood; to others and to oneself. You might first think of the obvious…outright lying. You are right. When you tell a lie you are robbing another of the truth. When you lie you also rob yourself of the opportunity to express your truth. This may feel like the easiest route but in the long run will cause problems for you and the other person involved. If you cannot tell the truth then you will never feel the freedom to be you…unedited. If you cannot tell the truth to another; the other will never have the opportunity to learn and grow from your insights and your truths. A no win situation.

December 30, 2011

Relaxation During the Holiday Season…???

Ideally, Christmas and the winter holidays could be a time to focus attention on our deepest emotions, togetherness and spiritual feelings. Unfortunately, for many this time of year is full of stress. For many with hectic, stressful lives, relaxation means zoning out in front of the TV at the end of the day or snatching some extra sleep on the weekend. Unfortunately, this does little to help reduce the damaging effects of stress on the mind and body.

April 8, 2010

Is Doing Yoga Once a Week Enough?

Hi and welcome to my first blog! After teaching and hosting retreats since 2002 I have founded Santosha Yoga Retreats. Santosha is a Sanskrit word; it means ‘contentment’. Our challenge is to find contentment, no matter what life brings us. Yoga helps us to realize this goal.